Re-use returned project assemblies
01.10.2008 - 31.01.2009
Plant engineering
Zeppelin Reimelt is a global leader in the handling of high-quality bulk materials.
The task
To save storage costs, scrapping costs and also to lower costs for new projects the engineering workers should have an overview about former goods returns to avoid a new construction while a useable part is on stock.
The solution
First we defined a new return process of project assemblies specially from controlling aspects. Then we developped a new transaction, wherby a constructor is able to find such a returned part by several characteristics and place a reservation for his project. After he has physically inspected the part a decision has to be made: either the part is usefull and posted to the new project stock (by this no new requirment is created by the demand planning), or the part is not usefull and then maybe posed back to the plant stock or even posted to scrap. By this process the cost in new projects will be decreased and by participating the constructors in the revenue the motivation for this process will be setup.
The highlights
- customer transaction to handle returned project materials, posting plant stock to project stock, usage decsion, execute function for MRP run